Functions | |
Bin | Converts a ulong value to a binary string. |
Hex | Converts a ulong value to a hexadecimal string. |
IsAlpha | Checks if a character is alphabetic. |
IsDigit | checks if a character is a decimal digit. |
IsHexDigit | Checks if a character is a hexadecimal digit. |
IsIdent | Checks if a character is an identifier. |
IsSpace | Checks if a character is whitespace. |
LoadString | Loads a string from a file. |
ParseBin | Converts a binary string to a ulong value. |
ParseBool | Parse a boolean string. |
ParseHex | Converts a hexadecimal string to a ulong value. |
SaveString | Saves a string to a file. |
StringToULong | Converts a string to an unsigned long value. |
ULongToString | Converts an unsigned long value to a string. |