
Class JsonArray Extends JsonValue

JsonArray class.

Data The underlying interal array data.
Empty True if array is empty. (read only)
IsArray Returns true. (read only)
Length Length of the array. (read only)
All Gets an iterator to all json values in the array.
GetArray Gets an array array element.
GetBool Gets a bool array element.
GetNumber Gets a numeric array element.
GetObject Gets an object array element.
GetString Gets a string array element.
GetValue Gets an array element.
Push Adds a json value to the array.
SetArray Sets an array element.
SetBool Sets an array element.
SetNumber Sets an array element.
SetObject Sets an array element.
SetString Sets an array element.
SetValue Sets an array element.
ToArray Gets the internal stack used to store the array.
Operator [] Gets the json value at an index.
Operator []= Sets the json value at an index.