Struct Color

The Color type provides support for manipulating red, green blue, alpha colors.

Aluminum Aluminum.
Aqua Aqua.
Black Black.
Blue Blue.
Brown Brown.
Chromium Chromium.
Cobalt Cobalt.
Copper Copper.
Cyan Cyan.
DarkGrey Dark Grey.
Gold Gold.
Green Green.
Grey Grey.
HotPink HotPink.
LightGrey Light Grey.
Lime Lime.
Magenta Magenta.
Nickel Nickel.
None Transparent black.
Orange Orange.
Pine Pine.
Pink Pink.
Platinum Platinum.
Puce Puce.
Red Red.
SeaGreen SeaGreen.
Silver Silver.
Skin Skin.
Sky Sky.
Steel Steel.
Titanium Titanium.
Violet Violet.
White White.
Yellow Yellow.
a Alpha component of color.
b Blue component of color.
g Green component of color.
r Red component of color.
New Creates a new color.
A The alpha color component.
B The blue color component.
G The green color component.
R The Red color component.
Operator * Multiplies the color by another color or value and returns the result.
Operator + Adds another color or value to the color and returns the result.
Operator - Subtracts another color or value from the color and returns the result.
Operator / Divides the color by another color or value and returns the result.
Blend Blends the color with another color and returns the result.
ToABGR Converts the color to 32 bit big endianABGR format.
ToARGB Converts the color to 32 bit big endian ARGB format.
ToBGRA Converts the color to 32 bit big endian BGRA format.
ToRGBA Converts the color to 32 bit big endian RGBA format.
ToString Converts the color to printable string.
Operator To Converts the color to a printable string.
FromABGR Creates a color from a 32 bit big endian ABGR color.
FromARGB Creates a color from a 32 bit big endian ARGB color.
FromBGRA Creates a color from a 32 bit big endian BGRA color.
FromHSV Creates a color from hue, saturation and value.
FromRGBA Creates a color from a 32 bit big endian RGBA color.
Rnd Creates a random color.