Aliases |
AffineMat3f |
Convenience type alias for AffineMat3<Float> |
AffineMat4f |
Convenience type alias for AffineMat4<Float> |
Boxf |
Mat3f |
Convenience type alias for Mat3<Float>. |
Mat4f |
Convenience type alias for Mat4<Float>. |
Planef |
Quatf |
Convenience type alias for Quat<Float>. |
Rectf |
Convenience type alias for Rect<Int>. |
Recti |
Convenience type alias for Rect<Int>. |
Vec2f |
Convenience type alias for Vec2<Float>. |
Vec2i |
Convenience type alias for Vec2<Int>. |
Vec3f |
Convenience type alias for Vec3<Float>. |
Vec4f |
Convenience type alias for Vec4<Float>. |
Structs |
AffineMat3<T> |
The generic AffineMat3f class provides support for affine 3x3 matrices. |
AffineMat4<T> |
The generic AffineMat4f class provides support for affine 4x4 matrices. |
Box<T> |
Mat3<T> |
The generic Mat3 class provides support for 3x3 matrices. |
Mat4<T> |
The generic Mat3 class provides support for 4x4 matrices. |
Plane<T> |
Quat<T> |
The Quat class provides support for quaternions. |
Rect<T> |
The Rect class provides support for manipulating rectangular regions. |
Vec2<T> |
The generic Vec2 type provides support for 2 component vectors. |
Vec3<T> |
The generic Vec3 type provides support for 3 component vectors. |
Vec4<T> |
The generic Vec4 type provides support for 4 component vectors. |