
Class Typeinfo Extends Void

Runtime type information.

ArrayRank Array rank. (read only)
ElementType Array element type. (read only)
InterfaceTypes Implemented interfaces. (read only)
Kind Type kind. (read only)
Name Type name. (read only)
NullValue A variant containing a null value of this type. (read only)
ParamTypes Function parameter types. (read only)
PointeeType Pointer pointee type. (read only)
ReturnType Function return type. (read only)
SuperType Class super type. (read only)
ExtendsType Checks whether a class extends a class.
GetDecl Gets the unique member decl with the given name.
GetDecls class or namespace member decls.
MakeEnum Creates an enum variant from an arbitrary int value.
NewArray Creates a new array of this type.
To Gets string representation of type.
GetType Gets a user defined type by name.
GetTypes Gets all user defined types.