
Namespace monkey.math
ACos Computes the inverse cosine of a number.
ASin Computes the inverse sine of a number.
ATan Computes the inverse tagent of a number.
ATan2 Computes the inverse tangent of a ratio.
Abs Gets the absolute value of a number.
Ceil Computes the ceiling of a number.
Clamp Clamps a value to a range.
Cos Computes the cosine of an angle.
Exp Raise e to a power.
Floor Computes the floor of a number.
Log Computes the natural logarithm of a number.
Log10 Computes the base 10 logarithm of a number.
Log2 Computes the base 2 logarithm of a number.
Max Gets the larger of two number.
Min Gets the smaller of two numbers.
Pow Raises a number to a power.
Round Rounds a number to the nearest integral value.
Sgn Gets the sign of a number.
Sin Computes the sine of an angle.
Sqrt Computes the square root of a number.
Tan Computes the tangent of an angle.
Pi The value Pi.
TwoPi The value Pi times 2.